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In the World—April 29, 2018

Download In the World for April 29 here.


North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, announced last weekend that he was “retiring” his policy of nuclear weapons development, since he can now “defend his country.” From this point on, he says he will focus on rebuilding North Korea’s economy. He has agreed to talk with South Korea and America, raising hopes in nations with which he has long been at odds. Basking in the glow of his new-found status, Kim seems to be turning his back on China, his long-time source of political power and sustainer of his poverty-stricken nation.


Only time will tell whether the praise for Mr. Kim’s new initiative to save his people from the poverty he has forced on them will endure. All human praise is subject to that same uncertainty. However, as the apostle John describes what he saw in the heavens, there was no question about the honor the Lamb of God shall receive. Throughout eternity, innumerable hosts of angels will declare his praise as Savior of the world.

  1. What differences do you see in Kim Jong-un’s quest for temporary adulation and the reasons for which Jesus will receive eternal praise?
  2. What difference, if any, do you see between church worship today and the worship the angels will offer to Jesus? What changes, if any, do you think are needed in our worship?
  3. Do you think there be a difference in the power and dominion Jesus exercises in eternity and now? Explain. What do you think John means when he says that “every creature” regardless of location will praise the Lamb?

—Charles R. Boatman

Copyright © 2018 by Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family. All rights reserved.

Each download is for the use of one church only.

Jim Eichenberger

Author Jim Eichenberger

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