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In the World–December 29, 2024

Download “In the World” for December 29, 2024 here.


A new mother—Molly Bryant—was interviewed after her social media posts went viral. According to Bryant, she and her husband had prepared for months to name their child but had not settled on a boy’s name. Molly unexpectedly delivered a few weeks early, and it was a boy! The couple still did not have a name. With only five minutes remaining before hospital discharge, Bryant’s husband made an unconventional choice. He wrote “Moravian” as their son’s middle name (to honor their Moravian Church heritage). But after bringing their son home, the couple eventually decided to pay to change his name to something more common, which generated a mixed reaction on social media.


Following last week’s lesson on Jesus’ birth, this lesson from Luke 18 describes an occasion when Jesus is called “Son of David.” This kingly title means that Jesus is the long-awaited heir to David’s throne. It signals the fulfillment of God’s promise that a descendant of David will rule forever. On this occasion, the person using a messianic title for Jesus is a man born blind—a person anticipating Jesus’ show of mercy. Jesus demonstrates a different kind of kingship when he heals the man, a kingship characterized by mercy, justice, and love.

  1. What makes a good name?
  2. When have you struggled with a name (pronouncing, remembering, etc.)?
  3. How does healing demonstrate the kingship of Jesus?

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David C Cook Editorial

Author David C Cook Editorial

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