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In the World—February 17, 2019

By February 12, 2019"In the World"

Download In the World for February 17 here.


In the past weeks, we’ve continued to see the power of nature in a weeks-long weather pattern. Heavy rains and massive mudslides have plagued California. A polar vortex has created blizzards and record deep freeze temperatures in the Upper Midwest and the Eastern U.S. Ice storms have struck the Midwest and South. When extreme weather brings havoc-creating conditions accompanied by massive destruction of property, insurance companies call these events “acts of God.”


Most of us would argue that God should not be blamed for these highly destructive events. After all, human decisions are often the immediate reason for the accidents and other calamities associated with the weather. Regardless of how we might argue those issues, today’s text presents a different sort of evidence of God’s power. God is the Creator of the natural world. But he is also the powerful Restorer of the human spirit and the One who blesses those who revere him.

  1. In what ways have you experienced (and expressed praise for) the evidence of God’s creative power in the natural world? How do you answer those who turn against God because of the existence of natural evil?
  2. Tell the class of a time when you have said to someone (as the psalmist did), “Let me tell you about what God has done for me”? Give the class an example of how God has “kept your feet from slipping.”
  3. In what respect do you see God “watching the nations”? What does this phrase mean to you?

 —Charles R. Boatman

Copyright © 2019 by Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family. All rights reserved.

Each download is for the use of one church only.

Jim Eichenberger

Author Jim Eichenberger

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