Download In the World for July 23 here.
“Eating your words” is an expression used when people have boasted about what they will do but later discover that they are unable to accomplish it. When that happens, those words can have a bitter taste. We see a current example of the phenomenon in Washington. Unfulfilled campaign promises can plague members of either party, but right now it’s the Republicans’ turn. They are finding it difficult to deliver on their preelection boast that they would immediately repeal and replace Obamacare, and they are facing the ire of some of their most ardent supporters.
God’s command to Ezekiel to eat a scroll symbolized the idea of making the word of God an integral part of our being. For the prophet, the scroll tasted as sweet as honey, because he was faithful to the Lord. However, if the people of Israel failed to listen to the words of God, those words would be bitter to them.
- What is there in our psychological makeup that makes us willing to believe the promises of politicians seeking our votes?
- In what areas of life, other than politics, do we see this same phenomenon? Give examples.
- In what ways have you found God’s words to be like honey to you?
- How can we ensure that others will find our words “as sweet as honey”?
- Specifically, what can you do to prevent “eating your words”?
—Charles R. Boatman
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