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In the World–June 26, 2022

Download “In the World” for June 26, 2022 here.


Soccer (globally known as football) is a high-speed, sometimes violent game in which head injuries are common. There is pressure from teams, owners, and fans for injured players to continue playing. This can result in extremely serious injuries, including permanent brain damage. This month, the sport’s global governing body, the International Football Association Board (IFAB), received an open letter from the Professional Footballers’ Association, prominent ex-players, and a top consultant neuropathologist urging changes. But the letter’s recommendations were rejected. “It’s disappointing to hear,” said Penny Watson, wife of former England captain Dave Watson, who now lives with dementia due to multiple concussions suffered in football, “that IFAB do not seem to listen to the suggestions and advice from those eminent people involved in the head injury debate.”


Many messages delivered through God’s prophets were calling the people back to obedience. But occasionally, a portion of the people received praise from the Lord. This week’s passage contains a message Isaiah delivered to those in Judah who pursued righteousness and heeded God’s instructions. The Lord promised to destroy those who threatened them and to turn Judah’s deserts into gardens. God knows the ones whose hearts are truly His.

  1. When have you ignored experts’ advice to your own detriment?
  2. What advantages come to those who pursue righteousness and seek the Lord?
  3. How could Isaiah have handled being the bearer of bad news from God so often?

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David C Cook Editorial

Author David C Cook Editorial

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