Download In the World for March 25 here.
California has declared itself a sanctuary state, officially taking a position against the national policy of deporting people who have entered the country illegally. Early this month, the mayor of Oakland warned residents of her city of a coming federal agency raid to arrest people living there illegally. California and other states have taken similar positions regarding marijuana laws. Such actions have heightened the level of anger on both sides of each issue and focus attention on the question of whether federal law takes precedence over state and local laws.
The divine promise to bless Solomon and his nation was based on whether they would keep God’s statutes and ordinances. Along with the promise came a warning that failure to be faithful to God would bring exile and destruction. As we know, Israel failed to obey God, and both national exile and destruction of the temple became historical fact. Failure to keep God’s law had dire consequences.
- Whether we are considering immigration, drug, or any other laws, should states and cities be free to ignore or violate federal law? Why or why not? What should be the consequences for such violations?
- Does God bless or punish nations today when they keep or violate divine law? If so, how does he do it? Give an example or two.
- Have you ever had the sense God was blessing you for keeping his commands? Explain.
—Charles R. Boatman
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