Download “In the World” for March 5, 2023 here.
In 2021, partially due to the disruptions of COVID-19, 47 million Americans quit their jobs, and the trend has not entirely ended. This unprecedented shift in the workforce was dubbed The Great Resignation. But a recent survey found that for most of those who quit, it has become The Great Regret. The survey, performed by HR company Paychex, found that eighty percent of employees who left their jobs during this period feel that they made a mistake, and sixty-eight percent have tried to get their old jobs back. Workers who resigned reported missing co-workers, having lower pay, and finding less work satisfaction in a new job as compared to the previous one. Only twenty-seven percent of those trying to get rehired at their old places of employment have succeeded.
Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son follows a similar trajectory. Thinking the grass was greener out in a faraway country where he could be master of his own time and finances, the young protagonist strikes out and lives the high life. Until the money runs out. But at his lowest point, he comes to his senses and determines to go home, humbly and with newfound gratitude over what his father had provided all along.
- What’s a workplace or relational decision that you came to regret?
- When have you made a big change that was definitely a good one?
- What is your favorite aspect of the prodigal son story?
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