Download “In the World” for November 1, 2020 here.
“Unpacking This Week’s Lesson” is a podcast designed to give you additional insight to lesson context, the key verse, and applying the lesson. And you can share this podcast with your entire class—just copy the URL and email or text the link! Get unlimited access to the weekly lesson podcast and other materials when you sign up for our Church Support Program:
A month ago, Rev. Greg Collins, 59, a minister in North Carolina, died of COVID-19. “Pastor Greg” was praised for his servant’s heart. A fellow minister wrote that it was especially difficult for Greg to “do pastoral care without touching people.” He confessed to sometimes feeling he couldn’t help his church thrive anymore and was just trying to help it survive. “I am going to keep on trying to be the kind of John 3:16 pastor that Greg was,” the writer said. “Love people in Jesus’ name. Serve people in Jesus’ name. And in our loving and serving, it is our prayer that more people will come to know Jesus as their Savior.”
Everything in the disciples’ experience said that the way to succeed in life was to gain prominence in the eyes of others. Even three years with Jesus had not fully overturned these beliefs. When Jesus, the most prominent among them, knelt down to wash their feet, it must have seemed so strange—even wrong. Our world values those who gain superiority over others. But God, who has all superiority, takes a servant’s towel and goes to His knees to serve.
- Who is the most servant-hearted person you have known?
- In what ways does God serve us?
- How can you serve others in Jesus’ name this week?
Additional Resources
These videos and materials are for your personal use. If you show videos in class, be sure to have the necessary rights to do so.
- Music Video, Traditional: “The Solid Rock” by Norton Hill Band
- Music Video, Multicultural: “No Longer Slaves” by Todd Galberth
- Music Video, Contemporary: “Know Your Heart” by Jon Egan, MDSN, and Revere
- Barclay’s Commentary on John 13
- JFB Commentary on John 13
- Augustine’s Commentary on John 13
Copyright © 2020 by Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family.
All rights reserved. Each download is for the use of one church only.