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In the World–November 15, 2020

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In September, legal developments in the UK edged a trial date closer for two Britons accused of terrorist killings. Alexanda Kotey and El Shafee Elsheikh had traveled to Syria to fight with ISIS. They are on trial for executing British humanitarian aid worker David Haines in 2013. His brother, Mike Haines, initially desired revenge for David’s murder, but he has since devoted his life to teaching kindness and warning of the dangers of radicalization. “The voices of hatred are loud and in all sorts of places,” Mike says. “But kindness is strong and deep…. Kindness is the greatest force in this world.”


The Apostle John warned believers not to be surprised if the world hated them, and he urged them to show love anyway. Jesus showed sacrificial love, even to those who hated him. Therefore, Jesus models the way we can love our enemies.

  1. When have you seen kindness speak louder than hatred?
  2. Where can you show love even though you might be hated for doing so?
  3. Of what value is a loving act if the person rejects it?

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David C Cook Editorial

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