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In the World–November 28, 2021

Download “In the World” for November 28, 2021 here.


In a recent roundup article of the top 50 animation studios in the world, many of them were in Hollywood, as one might expect. Studios like Pixar, Disney, and DreamWorks topped the list. However, some might be surprised to learn that more than half of the studios (26 of 50) were not in the U.S. at all. Many were in Japan or Canada. Other countries active in computer animation include Germany, England, the Philippines, Iceland, India, and Turkey. Add to that the many individual animators and artists from scores of other nations who work for these top studios, and you’ll see that computer animation is now a radically international affair. These studios often have a surprising openness to international animators and artists. “You should be fine,” said one industry insider in an online forum, because “most animations studios/companies in the creative industry look mostly at portfolios.” If you’ve got the skills, studios will be interested, no matter where you’re from.


Our passage today shows the moment when Peter became suddenly aware that the salvation of Jesus is intended for all people in all nations. He took fellow Jewish Christians with him to the home of Cornelius the centurion, and all of them witnessed the Holy Spirit falling upon these Gentiles as He had fallen on the Jewish believers. Through the vision and this dramatic event, Peter began to understand that God offers salvation to everyone in every nation, language, and tribe.

  1. What’s an animated film you have a positive opinion of?
  2. How do you respond to the idea that the world has become more of a global village?
  3. What do you admire about Christians who come from other countries or cultures?

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David C Cook Editorial

Author David C Cook Editorial

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