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In the World—October 15, 2017

By October 10, 2017"In the World"

Download In the World for October 15 here.


Harvey Weinstein is a film producer who is also famed for his contributions to liberal causes such as the women’s movement. Last Sunday, he was fired from his own company after revelations that he has a decades-long history of sexually harassing actresses and female employees and making payoffs in exchange for silence. His first response to the allegations

was to apologize for his sinful behavior (although that was not how he described it.) Then, this week, he has threatened to sue for defamation.


The actions that Weinstein has admitted have traditionally been a part of corporate culture, especially in the film industry. When God spoke to Israel from Sinai, he was announcing that the people’s cultural background was no longer an excuse for sinful behavior. Their idolatry would not be tolerated, but if they obeyed God, they would be blessed.

  1. For a long time, the type of behavior Weinstein is accused of has been tolerated by our society. Does this lessen his responsibility for his actions? Explain.
  2. Is fear of God or others ever a valid stimulus for good behavior? Why or why not?
  3. Have you seen sinful attitudes or behavior tolerated or excused in the church? What was the result? How should it have been dealt with?
  4. How do you personally resist some of our culture’s idolatrous beliefs and activities?

—Charles R. Boatman

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Jim Eichenberger

Author Jim Eichenberger

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