Download In the World for September 10 here.
On Tuesday, President Trump announced an executive order rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) executive order that was put in place by President Obama. In doing so, President Trump gave Congress six months to move forward in dealing with children who were brought into the country illegally by their parents. DACA delays deportation actions against such youth. Trump’s action is seen by some as a simple legal matter, reversing an executive order issued by his predecessor. Others view it as a question of what should identify someone as “American.”
God commanded that Abraham and his male progeny be circumcised as a sign that they were in a covenant relationship with God. Circumcision was a physical symbol identifying who was to be considered a member of the Jewish people. However, as is true with many such matters, there is more to one’s identity than a legal code; there is a spiritual component, as well.
- What makes a person an American? By your definition, should children of undocumented immigrants be considered to be Americans? Explain.
- Do you see any parallel between legal documents for one’s entry to America and circumcision for Abraham and his descendants? Why or why not?
- How does the New Testament deal with the matter of circumcision as a sign of one’s relationship with God? See Romans 2:28, 29; Galatians 5:1-6.
- What should be the sign of a covenant relationship with God for Christians today? How should we treat “undocumented believers,” those professing believers who do not bear those signs?
—Charles R. Boatman
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