Extravagant Worship
“You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me” (John 12:8).
Scripture: John 12:1-8
Song: “In Christ Alone”
The rain didn’t seem to bother the little dancer. I saw her come into the church with her mother. Her mom rushed to get in from the downpour, but not her. She was overjoyed. I watched her artistry from the window. Though just 6-years old, she danced with grace, skill, and most of all, exuberance. The rain did not dampen her enthusiasm, nor did it wash away her passion.
Exuberant joy and unbridled passion might be a bit rare. People are not always comfortable around lavish displays of emotion. It’s a shame, in a way, because Jesus seems to honor extravagant worship. The people that came that day sat with Jesus, heard His voice and perhaps even served Him. They saw Jesus, but not like Mary did. She saw Jesus in a way that moved her deeply. Her response comes from a heart that understands His love for her. Her extravagant acts come from a desire to give to the One who has given and will give so much. Her outpouring of love, sacrifice and passion flows from a soul indelibly imprinted with the image of a friend and Savior.
When we see Jesus, as Mary did with admiration, our hearts can- not help but burst with love and passion. Being in Jesus’ presence is awe-inspiring
Lord, thank You for Your love and all You do for us. We fall at Your feet today and desire to see You. Thank You. In Your name, amen.