This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28).
Scripture: Matthew 26:17-29
Song: “At the Cross”
In William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, the title character kills the king of Scotland at his wife’s urging. Her guilt over the murder gradually drives her insane. Unable to escape the weight of what she’s done, Lady Macbeth walks in her sleep, wringing her hands, trying to wash the blood from them. What she envisions as blood on her hands is a constant reminder of her actions.
For Lady Macbeth, the blood was the stigma of sin and a representation of guilt. How remarkably different is blood for us. At the Last Supper, Jesus indicated the purpose of the elements. The disciples, and all who come after them, are to remember His death and what it means: His body and blood freely given for the forgiveness of our sins.
The sweet aroma of forgiveness changes our lives. The blood of Jesus is its mark. No longer are we shackled by the heavy bonds of sin. Guilt, the stealer of hope, is banished, and the shrill voice of condemnation is silenced. Ghosts of the past, who’ve haunted us for years, fade into the shadows, and the chains of regret fall power- less. We have been set free. One of the sweetest words we can ever hear is the word “forgiven.” The blood of Jesus isn’t a sign of death or an emblem of shame. It’s the source of our joy.
Dear Lord, thank You for Your love displayed for me at the cross. Thank you for set- ting me free. In Your name, amen.