To begin the session:
Write this on the board: “A New Perspective”
People can have different ideas about the same person. You might approve of a political candidate while someone else might be firmly opposed to him or her. You might feel strongly negative feelings for a thief, while that person’s mother might dearly love the same person.
Our passage today contrasts two mindsets that people had toward Jesus.
Download the handout “A New Perspective” here and have the class call out answers as a group.
Lead into Bible study by saying… “In our Bible lesson today, we see one set of people who spent their resources to oppose Jesus and someone else who looked at that same individual and gave extravagantly to support Him.”
To encourage personal application:
Get into groups of three or four. Each person should think of someone he or she would consider a personal enemy. Have them discuss how they would feel about humbly serving this person in some way. Then they should ask one another whether Jesus’ view of that person might refine their thinking.
Challenge the class to pray each day this week that God would soften their hearts toward these enemies.