Whatever You Ask
But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask (John 11:22).
Scripture: John 11:17-27
Song: “Ask of God”
“I wish I had glasses,” said my 8-year-old. Her remark followed my conversation with her older sister about wearing her glasses at all times and not straining her eyes watching TV without them. My 8-year-old thinks it would be great to wear glasses, thinking that glasses would give her a bigger picture.
If only eye glasses would give us the bigger picture—and especially when it comes to God’s work in our lives. Sometimes God doesn’t give me what I ask Him for, but think I need. I’m learning to remind myself that I don’t know everything He knows. God sees the big picture. I am very thankful that He knows and sees what I cannot see.
Like Martha, who told Jesus that God would give whatever He would ask, we can know for sure that Jesus, as the Son of God, would not ask for just anything. Jesus would ask according to the will of His Father. Our loving Father has all wisdom and all knowledge and will grant requests based on what is best for us—what we really need. It is for our good that God does not operate just on what we think is best.
Father, thank You for knowing what we really need despite all we want. Thank You for fulfilling our every need. In Jesus’ name, amen.
April 15–21. Aleta Hall lives in Texas with her husband and three children. She currently works in the hospitality industry which gives her a chance everyday to serve others. She also loves to read and cook.