To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Divide the class into two groups for a Bible research activity. The first group should look for images in the text that tell about the nature of God. The second group should look for ways that God’s creation should respond to his nature. Give them paper and pens and copies of the Bible text for the lesson. Allow them to work as a group for about ten minutes before sharing their findings. Some possible findings would be:
Nature of God—ruler (v. 2), of great value (v. 3), overwhelming power (v. 5), separate from creation (v. 6)
Response of Creation—living pure lives as his representatives (v. 4), non-stop praise (v. 8), submission to him (vv. 9, 10), recognition of his ownership of everything (v. 11)
To encourage personal application:
Download the “Worship Rehab” activity sheet here.
Make copies for each class member. At the end of class, distribute these sheets and go over the instructions for this activity. Encourage class members to use it as a prayer guide this week.