To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Download the “Missions Compared” handout here. Pair up and fill out the Venn diagram according to the directions in the handout.
While the learners are working, draw a simple, two-circle Venn diagram on the board. When the learners have populated their circles, bring the class together to ask for highlights of what they found. Now work together as a class to fill in the middle section of the diagram, comprised of things in common with both missions.
Ask these questions: 1–In what ways do you feel a connection with the disciples on that first mission? 2–Aside from issues of technology, why do you think the first mission was so different from what we see today? 3–How was this mission a foretaste of the church’s spread in the book of Acts? 4–How does the biblical history of mission shape and potentially change how we practice outreach and other ministries today?
To encourage personal application:
Pair up and brainstorm how someone might behave if he or she knew they were in charge of handing out amazing treasures however and to whomever they see fit.
Reply to this question: “How will I present the gospel differently to someone I know, now that I see myself as having been put in charge of handing out the most incredible treasure the world has ever seen?”