Faithful in Key Positions
We are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man (2 Corinthians 8:21).
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:16-24
Song: “A Charge to Keep I Have”
A 12-year-old boy collected money from neighbors to help a local children’s hospital fund-raising drive. He never turned the money in. Years later, the now 40-something man called in during a pledge drive to make good on the money he once raised. He even calculated the interest and added it to his gift.
Do you trust those entrusted with handling your financial matters? How about those handling the financial resources of the church? Have they proven faithful in the eyes of both God and men?
Our text refers to a mysterious brother sent with Titus to collect a special offering. While anonymous to us, this brother was well-known in Corinth. He is said to have been praised by all the churches for faithful service to the gospel. He was chosen for this task because of such faithfulness.
I ask myself today: What kind of reputation do I have? Would it ensure my selection to sensitive financial positions and tasks? Apparently, the apostle Paul felt this to be the case with the brother in question.
I would like to be of such stellar reputation that my inclusion on any team or ministry ends any question of impropriety.
Lord, help me to be as faithful as this brother sent to help collect and administer this special offering. May I be seen as doing what is right, both in Your eyes as well as in the eyes of my friends and neighbors. In Jesus’ name, amen.