To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Have your group read Acts 8:26-31 and discuss the following questions.
- What do we learn about the Ethiopian official?
- What cultural barriers likely separated the Ethiopian and Philip? What common ground did they share?
If the Ethiopian was not a Jew by birth or by later conversion, he was a Gentile “God-fearer” (see Acts 10:2). For more about this man and the cultural barriers separating him and Philip, see the Standard Lesson Commentary note on Acts 8:27b.
- Why did the Ethiopian invite Philip to join him in his chariot?
Have your group read Acts 8:32-39 and discuss the following questions.
- How did these verses from Isaiah 53 provide a great starting point for Philip to share “the good news about Jesus” (v. 35)?
- How do you feel about the eunuch’s immediate baptism? How does this fit with your church’s view and practice of baptism?
- How did the story end for Philip? How did it end for the Ethiopian?
- How do you see God taking initiative in the story? How do you see Philip taking initiative? What is the relationship between the two?
- What lessons can we learn from this story?
To encourage personal application:
Consider dividing into groups of three or four persons for this time of sharing and prayer.
- How did you first hear “the good news about Jesus”?
- Who has been like Philip in your spiritual journey—helping you discover a new or deeper spiritual life?
- What have you found helpful in directing a conversation with someone toward spiritual or biblical topics?
- Conclude by praying for God to provide “divine appointments” for you like he did for the Ethiopian and Philip. Pray that you would be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit in the coming days and weeks.