Be Careful How You Judge
So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? (Romans 2:3).
Scripture: Romans 2:1-12
Song: “Love One Another”
“Do you have any prayer requests?” the teacher asked.
“I do. My neighbor’s daughter ran away again. This time, I think she ran away with the Jacksons’ boy, who sells drugs . . . at least I think he does. She’s back now, but I don’t know for how long. Both of their other kids ran away, and one never came back. I just want us to pray that there’s nothing terrible going on in that house that the kids are trying to escape.”
Have you ever heard that kind of prayer request? An account disguised as concern, while it’s actually speculating and sharing sordid details? Could this be what Paul meant when he said we pass judgment yet do the same things? Maybe not the exact same things, but gossiping and causing pain and alienation?
Jesus said not to judge, but He clarified it . . . we are not to judge hypocritically, because the same judgment we mete out will be ours. We are to be filled with love and compassion, doing what we can to help and restore. We are to pray, but not share every detail if we ask others to pray, as well. Usually, the latest “news” about someone else is best kept to ourselves. After all, how much of our own lives would we want broadcast to the community?
Father, I fall so far short of what You want me to be. Please forgive me and reveal to me my sins and motives that aren’t pure. Help me to be genuinely concerned for others, not just curious about their problems. I pray through Christ my Lord. Amen.