All She Had
They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on (Mark 12:44).
Scripture: Mark 12:38-44
Song: “My Life, My Love I Give to Thee”
Would you feel comfortable with someone watching you write out your weekly offering check? Would you invite your neighbor to count out the bills you take from your wallet to place in the collection plate?
Obviously, such scrutiny would make us uncomfortable. Yet Jesus deliberately sat in a place where He could watch everyone giving their offerings. He saw the rich putting in large amounts. He saw a poor widow dropping two copper coins in the collection box.
We would do well to remember that there is someone who watches our giving. There is someone who sees past actions, peering into our motives as well. And His evaluation is the only one that matters.
How could a couple of copper coins be worth more than the large amounts deposited by the rich? Jesus explains it in the simplest of terms. The poor widow put in all she had to live on. She apparently trusted God to provide for her needs, in His way and time.
I sometimes ask those I teach: Do you think the poor widow starved to death after giving all she had? (I’ve never had anyone who believed that was even remotely possible.)
The lesson is clear: Those who give in faith, trusting God to provide, are blessed accordingly.
Lord, increase my faith. I pray to be inspired increasingly by the shining example of a poor widow who gave all that she possessed. In Jesus’ name, amen.