Strange and Wonderful
In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity (2 Corinthians 8:2).
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:1-6
Song: “What Can I Give Him?”
They were the strangest people you could ever meet. I’m sure you’ll agree. First of all, they faced a time of severe trial yet they were known for a joy they couldn’t seem to contain. Second, while in the depths of extreme poverty, they were richly generous. You see, they were the strangest people you could ever meet! They even pleaded with someone to take their money.
The apostle Paul used the Greek word bathus to describe the financial condition of the Macedonian Christians. It’s the word from which we get bathysphere, the first manned, submersible, deep-sea vessel. The bathysphere eventually reached a depth of more than 3,000 feet in 1934. Imagine your financial condition described in these same terms—the extreme depths of poverty. Lacking though they were, the Macedonians begged Paul for the chance to help needy Christians in another part of the world.
What was their secret? Paul says it all flowed from the fact that they gave themselves first to the Lord.
Give yourself to the Lord. All that you are, all that you possess, and all that you achieve. And then watch how strange (and wonderful) your life will prove to be.
Lord, what inspiring people those Macedonians proved to be! I thank You for teaching me that giving is to be based more on faith than riches. Use me, Father, along with my money, to enhance Your reputation in the world. In Jesus’ name, amen.