God Hears and Answers Prayer
But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard (Luke 1:13, KJV).
Scripture: Luke 1:11-16
Song: “Hear Our Prayer, O Lord”
Several years ago I began documenting prayers and noting when they are answered. At the end of each year I’ve been amazed how many prayers received an answer. Have all my prayers been answered? No, not yet. And some answers have come years after. Sometimes I have forgotten when I first made my request. So, from time to time I have to dig back in my prayer journal to find the actual date.
Zechariah had prayed for a child for a very long time. Perhaps he had forgotten when he first began and the prayer had become routine. But God heard and answered Zechariah’s prayer, on His timing and in the place and the way that He desired. And it was the perfect time and place in history.
God hears us. And He responds—in His way and in His time for our good. We can trust His goodness for us. Answered prayer is a wonderful display of God’s love for His children.
Gracious Father, we are grateful You answer prayer. Thank You for open ears so we can bring every care before You with confidence, expectation, and assurance that You always provide the best answer. In Christ’s name, amen.
December 17–23. Denny Lynch has been an Army officer, forest ranger and professor of Forest Sciences. Through all these vocations and his current retirement he has walked with the Lord and his wonderful, encouraging wife, Joyce.