The Promise of a Child’s Life
And all they that heard them laid them up in their hearts, saying, What manner of child shall this be? And the hand of the Lord was with him (Luke 1:66, KJV).
Scripture: Luke 1:57-66
Song: “Children of the Heavenly Father”
Each time a young couple brings their child before the church for a dedication to the Lord, my mind moves from the present toward the future. What is God’s plan for this child? Will the child be an artist, or a poet, or perhaps a scientist? How will the child come to faith in Christ and how will this child respond to share the good news of Jesus with others during his or her life? How will the child experience God’s love and then grow to reflect the love of God to others? These questions are a part of the mystery yet to unfold in the promise of each child.
As people rejoiced with Elizabeth and pondered the angel’s visitation as well as the curious departure from tradition in naming the child, they had every reason to speculate about his future. Surely God moves uniquely in the life of every child. Like John, a child’s life may lead to momentous events or to a series of small opportunities to glorify God. But, every child brings us a promise from the hand of a loving God. May we encourage and nurture all children into relationship with Christ.
Loving Father, may we encourage every father and mother we meet that their child is special, and can fulfill a part of God’s perfect plan and will contribute to the future of the faith in their generation. In Jesus’ name, amen.