A Living Hope
In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (1 Peter 1:3).
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-7
Song: “Blessed Assurance”
Part of life is hoping for things. What are you hoping for today?
Hope, as we commonly understand it, is wishful thinking—a yearning for something in the future which we cannot be sure we’ll attain. As a Denver native, I hope the Broncos will win the Super Bowl. I hope my children do well in school. We hope for good news, for favorable weather, for health and success. There’s nothing wrong with hoping—in fact, studies show hope has major impacts on our health and well-being. But is hope alive?
As Christians, our hope is not fixed on something uncertain. Rather, our hope is in the promises God has made in His Word. Jesus’ resurrection is our living proof that God will follow through on His promises. The word alive means fertile, fruitful, and productive. Likewise, “living hope” produces power through the Holy Spirit within us to induce change in our lives. A believer’s hope is an assurance, a strong confidence in God.
Hope, along with faith and love, is a virtue of the Christian life. Faith and love spring from hope (Colossians 1:4, 5). Hope produces joy and peace in believers. In contrast, those who do not place their trust in Christ are without hope (Ephesians 2:12). Hope is a beacon of light that sets believers apart from a hopeless world.
Father, thank You for the living hope we have because of our living Savior! May our hope ever and only be in You. In Your name we pray, amen.