Walking in Faith
The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life (Psalm 121:7).
Scripture: Psalm 121:1-8
Song: “Walk with Faith in Your Heart”
My wife and I love hiking in national and state parks. Our stays are usually limited to a few days so, to maximize the use of our time, we often do advance research. What’s each trail’s difficulty level? Unique challenges? The information is helpful but sometimes incomplete and highly subjective. We’ve come to expect disparities, some “slippery slopes” along the way.
Today’s psalm, according to various Bible commentaries, is thought to have been a favorite of travelers, perhaps returning to Jerusalem, and recited or sung throughout the journey. Whether traversing mountains, sleeping in the wilderness, or battling the effects of bone-bleaching heat, the refrain reminded them of God’s ceaseless vigilance. And on they went.
In our hiking, we always try to ensure the trail will accommodate our turning around should proceeding become too risky. In our daily lives, we’ve likewise been confronted with situations prompting us to “seek the nearest exit.” Not even the Son was immune. It’s another commonality, however, upon which we should focus—the truth underscored in Psalm 121.
For us, “travelers” on a journey of faith, His Word proclaims there isn’t a single waking or sleeping moment during which we’re not under the loving Father’s watchful eye.
No additional research required. Just praise God and keep walking in faith.
Lord, as my journey continues, illumine my path with the glow of Your love. Grant me the strength and wisdom to stay the course. In Jesus’ name, amen.