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February 2, 2025: Praying Properly (Matthew 6:5-15)

To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:

Distribute copies of the “Ceremonial Theism?” exercise from the activity page, which you can download here. Discuss in triads or study pairs before whole-class discussion.

As a transition between Into the Word and Into Life segments, distribute copies of the “ACTS in Action” exercise from the activity page. Allow one minute for each participant to complete the four segments marked with a [•]. Note: this should be individual work, not for small groups or study pairs, because it calls for personal responses. Assure your learners at the outset of the activity that you will not collect the responses or ask anyone to share them publicly. By contrast, the second part of the “ACTS in Action” exercise should be completed in triads or study pairs. (Note the need for highlighters or colored pencils.)

David C Cook Editorial

Author David C Cook Editorial

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