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January 19, 2025: The Lord Is Active (Psalm 103:1-14)

To begin the session:

Distribute copies of the “My Favorite Person of Action” exercise from the activity pages, which you can download here. Give participants no more than one minute to complete the activity as indicated. Allow time for several volunteers to share their responses.

After the activity, say, “It is pretty easy for us to praise those people who actively do right. But how often do we do that to the exclusion of praising the Lord for his actions? Today’s text may convict us in that regard.”

To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:

Distribute copies of “The Active Lord, Doubly Described” exercise from the activity page. Announce that this simple matching exercise is a closed-Bible speed drill to be completed individually as indicated. The time limit is one minute. Assure your participants that they will score their own results, that you will not collect them, nor will you put anyone on the spot to reveal their score.

If you think your learners will need more than one minute to complete this, save it to the end of class and distribute it as a take-home.

David C Cook Editorial

Author David C Cook Editorial

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