Love Found a Way
He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground (Isaiah 53:2).
Scripture: Isaiah 52:13–53:9
Song: “Love Found a Way”
If you ever visit Death Valley in California, you’ll see that the locations are appropriately named. The map identifies the Funeral Mountains, Last Chance Range, Coffin Canyon, and Deadman Pass—not your typical vacation destinations! As park ranger Alan Van Valkenburg says, “This is a very tough place for life to survive. There’s extreme heat and dryness. But with that said, life manages to find a way.” He’s right. Life finds a way to beat the heat. Love overcomes even greater odds.
This old fallen world is the equivalent of Death Valley, only worse. Sin bakes and blisters the land. Moral and spiritual growth shrivels and even vanishes under hot temptations and trials. And yet Jesus Christ entered this deadly environment as a tender shoot. Because of His great love, He never wilted under pressure.
Satan always found a way to turn up the heat, and Jesus always found a way to fight back and flourish more. And though Satan’s hatred found a way to make Calvary’s cross bone-dry of mercy, Jesus’ love found a way to make it a flowing fountain in Death Valley! That’s where we fill up on His love. After all, “we love [Him] because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
Dear Jesus, help me bring Your refreshing love to a barren world. In Your name, amen.
January 21–27. Richard M. Robinson lives in Thornton, Colorado, with his wife, Donna. He serves in pastoral ministry but also enjoys occasional graphic and website design.