Choose Good Pain
Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered (Hebrews 5:8, KJV).
Scripture: Hebrews 5:1-10
Song: “Yes, Lord, Yes”
Erwin Lutzer, in his book Seven Snares of the Enemy, related a meeting he had with a man in his study. “He was in love with a woman who was not his wife. I explained that this relationship had to end; he had to return to his wife. He still had deep affection toward this other woman. I explained that he would have to end his ‘affair,’ even grieving over the loss. Jesus would say, ‘Even though it hurts, do it.’”
This man learned that cutting out sin hurts, but it would bear positive fruit in his life. We know this is true in physical exercise, where soreness gives way to strength. It is true in physical therapy, where pain is part of the healing process. In all such cases: “No pain, no gain!” No one illustrates this better than Jesus Christ.
Our Lord suffered the most, with the cross being the climax. Yet, as verse seven indicates, He prayed for strength to endure it, “and was heard in that he feared.” Feared what? The worst pain of all—disobedience to His Heavenly Father! Not even the cross could cause Him more pain! This was Dr. Lutzer’s point to the adulterous man. Breaking off an affair hurts, but sin’s consequences hurt more.
As with Jesus, the good pain ends, while the gains keep rolling in. May we take the long view and enjoy the returns!
Dear Jesus, help me sow the good pain that I may reap a lasting harvest! In Your name, amen.