An Open Secret
He [Jesus] entered a house and did not want anyone to know it; yet he could not keep his presence secret (Mark 7:24).
Scripture: Mark 7:24-30
Song: “It Is No Secret”
During President Eisenhower’s second term in office, he made a visit to Philadelphia. He was en-route in a black limousine, but without fanfare, to a hotel. But it’s impossible to keep the presence of the #1 person in the nation secret. The exciting news of Ike coming down the pike spread from cubicle to cubicle in the surrounding offices. I happened to be working in one of those cubicles. In no time I was in a crowd of people six rows deep only 10 feet from the President as he strode from the limo into the hotel. It was an exciting experience.
The presence of Jesus, the #1 person in the universe, could not be kept a secret. Whether He entered a private house, Peter’s boat, or was secluded in a private place, the crowd found Him. And the desperate Greek woman found Him.
The presence of God in the world cannot be hidden. Whether in the beauty of nature, institutions, and churches built because of Him, or the kindness and love shown by one person to another, the imprint of His presence is stamped upon humanity. We cannot and should not keep His presence in our lives secret. It is the children’s bread and free to all. There are still people searching for Him.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the bread of life. Help us to share Jesus with those who have not tasted. In Jesus’ name, amen.