To begin the session:
Begin your class by encouraging the participants to answer the following ice-breaker questions.
- What was your favorite kind of music when you were a teenager or young adult?
- What is your favorite kind of music now? Do you have a favorite new song?
- How do you feel about singing new songs in church?
To encourage personal application:
Encourage your class members to answer the following questions.
- What do you sense that God is saying or doing in your life as we enter this new year? How can you “sing,” or express, praise and gratitude back to him?
- Psalm 96:5 says that “all the gods of the nations are idols.” And Psalm 96:10 proclaims that “the Lord reigns.” Who or what, besides the Lord, do you sometimes allow to reign in your life?
Say something like this to the group:
“Psalm 96 assures us that God is worthy of our praise and devotion. Since we are still in the first week of a new year, this is a great time to commit ourselves to God’s reign in our hearts and lives. Let’s spend some time in silent reflection and prayer.”
After a few minutes, close with a prayer acknowledging and praising the Lord as the one and only God of the universe and each of your lives.