Servants’ Quarters
Select from among you, brethren, seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this task (Acts 6:13, NASB).
Scripture: Acts 6:1-6
Song: “It Pays to Serve Jesus”
Larry Henry personally attests to the Lord’s ability to empower and sustain his ministers in the church. In his first pastorate, Brother Henry and his wife, Virgie, led the First Latin American Mission of Muleshoe, Texas. Within this small body of believers, the Henrys grew quite close to one of the two deacons, Rumaldo Lucero.
A humble servant leader, Rumaldo worked as a farm hand for 70 hours weekly, yet he devoted all his remaining hours to working on behalf of the tiny congregation. On one occasion, Rumaldo offered to resign his deacon position, saying that he could neither read nor write. Upon learning of other families who also needed literacy training, the Henrys gathered materials from the Laubach system and began teaching through the “Each One Teach One” method. Within mere weeks, Rumaldo and several members were reading Scripture and hymns for themselves.
Because of this deacon’s faithfulness, the Henrys were inspired to greater outreach. They began using literacy training as an effective instrument to plant churches in Texas, Mexico, and Spain throughout the next 32 years.
Father, lead me in small steps within Your perfect will. And keep my eyes open to others whose examples can inspire and encourage me. So often You speak through the words and deeds of my brothers and sisters in Christ. In His name, amen.