Juice for Jesus
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing (John 15:5).
Scripture: John 15:1-11
Song: “In Heavenly Love Abiding”
I like to start my day with some wheat toast and a glass of chilled grape juice. I love bread, and it has a great history. For centuries it’s been called “the staff of life,” a food that has sustained many cultures across the centuries.
And now medical research has shown that an 8-ounce glass of dark-grape juice is good for your heart. Some doctors say that a glass of grape juice does the same as an aspirin a day in preventing strokes or heart attacks in adults.
We know that Jesus is the Bread of Life, but today’s Scripture tells us that he is also the Vine. That means all our spiritual nutrients come from Him, as we stay attached, like branches. Thus He can produce fruit through us. In other words, we need to be healthy Christians so that we can produce juice for Jesus!
No branch can bear fruit by itself; we must be open to the spiritual nutrient flow that comes to us from Jesus. If we abide in faithfulness, we will abound in fruitfulness.
The bottom line? Don’t allow “carnal cholesterol” to block the flow. My friend Kim says, “The fruit you bear through staying attached to Christ will cause many people to be drawn to the garden of God. They will want the life that flows from Jesus, the Vine.”
Dear Lord, thank You for grafting me into the true vine. May I bear much fruit for Your glory today, as You infuse me with Your spiritual life. In Christ, amen.