Reverence for the Word Without Words
You will have these tassels to look at and so you will remember all the commands of the LORD (Numbers 15:39).
Scripture: Numbers 15:37-41
Song: “Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee”
I looked forward to Friday night’s service at my cousin’s synagogue in West Los Angeles. Having never attended a Jewish service before, I was eager to hear the rabbi’s sermon and participate in worship. Both were enlightening experiences. Ironically, the message that evening was about a Jew named Jesus.
What intrigued me the most were the tassels worn by most of the worshippers. Some tassels were affixed to garments under their shirts; others were sown onto the four corners of their prayer shawls. At one point during the service, the rabbi took the Torah scroll and carried it around the synagogue in a prayerful procession. As the Torah passed by, those wearing prayer shawls reached out to touch the scroll with one of their tassels, then pulled the tassel back and kissed it. What deep respect for the Word!
As Christians, we don’t wear tassels, but we honor God in other ways. We bring Bibles to church and study His teachings in order to better understand His will. Instead of reaching out with tassels, we raise uplifted hands to Him in worship. Or we make the sign of the cross before hearing a gospel reading. In prayer, we bow our heads in respect. God deserves these reverences—and even more.
Lord, even wordless prayerful actions honor You! Remind me to revere You in everything I do, whether I’m in church, at home, or in the workplace. In Christ, amen.
July 2–8. Charles Earl Harrel was a church minister for more than 30 years before stepping aside to pursue a writing ministry. He enjoys playing guitar, leading worship, and teaching from the Bible.