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July 22: Entering God’s Kingdom (Luke 13:22-30)

To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:

Download the “Surprising or Expected?” activity  here.

Make copies for every class member. Distribute the activity sheet and have volunteers read the text aloud. Then, one at a time, go through the statements on the activity, asking whether class members find each on surprising or expected. Encourage disagreement and solid defense of their choices.

To encourage personal application:

On the top of the board, write the question, “How does one enter the kingdom of God?” Under that title, create three columns: By doing good works, By being of the right nationality,Through faith in Jesus alone.

Then have volunteers read these texts and place them in the column in which they best fit: Matthew 19:16-22; John 10:7; John 10:16; John 14:6; Romans 2:28, 29; Ephesians 2:9.

Our suggested responses are:

[not] Works—Matthew 19:16-22; Ephesians 2:9

[not] Nationality— John 10:16; Romans 2:28, 29

Jesus—John 10:7; John 14:6


Jim Eichenberger

Author Jim Eichenberger

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