To begin the session:
Download the “Be There!” activity here and make a copy for each class member. Distribute the activity as class members arrive, and let them complete it according to the instructions on it. After all have arrived and have had an opportunity to complete it, ask volunteers to share and defend their responses.
Lead into Bible study by saying, “There are a lot of extravagant celebrations held each year, all over the world. In a parable, Jesus spoke of another “can’t miss” event. Remarkably, however, many invited to this great banquet decided that they could miss it!”
To encourage personal application:
Before class, invite a member of your church’s mission committee to give a five-minute presentation of the missions your congregation supports that minister to the poor, outcast, and otherwise marginalized people in society.
After the presentation, discuss how support of those missions fulfills Jesus’ command to “compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.” Close in prayer, praying specifically for these missions that offer God’s invitation to the outsider.