Bearing Good Fruit for God
The axe is already at the roof of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire (Luke 3:9).
Scripture: Luke 3:7-14
Song: “Holy Spirit, Grow Your Fruit in Me”
Our once-productive apple tree finally quit bearing fruit. The year before, the fruit had been sparse, but we hoped the tree was just resting for a season. But last year, there were no apples.
It was such a disappointment. My husband had planted that tree, watered, sprayed, and pruned it. Together we had harvested it, year after year. We’d made pies and apple butter, and given away bags of apples; our grandchildren loved to climb in its branches, and had set up an apple stand by the street; we’d all eaten freely from that tree. What sad day when we cut the tree down to be replaced by something else . . . that would produce.
In many ways, our Christian lives are like that tree. Our “fruit” shows our spiritual health. It showcases the work and love of our Father, and the good deeds and words we “produce” aren’t just for our benefit, but also for others. And our Father—great caretaker!— is the one who plants us, feeds, waters, and prunes us.
What we felt the day our tree fell can’t begin to compare to the sorrow God must feel when He has to “cut down” those who aren’t producing fruit for Him. I pray our lives will always show the fruit of our loving Father and caretaker.
Father, Lord of the harvest, I am nothing without Your tender care for me. I ask You to plant me where You want me to grow, to water, nurture, and prune me so I will produce good fruit that will glorify You and bless others. In the name of Jesus, amen.