Grace: An Open-Door Policy
Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to (Matthew 23:13).
Scripture: Matthew 23:13-15
Song: “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy”
Tim had inoperable, advanced-stage cancer. Although he didn’t believe in God, I asked him to go with me to a community-wide service of renewal. A well-known evangelist was coming to town, and I convinced Tim to attend one of his services—with the thought that perhaps he would ask for prayer. I told him that God healed people in Bible days, and He still heals people today.
Tim enjoyed the service. During the invitation, he went forward for prayer while I stayed in my seat and interceded on his behalf. When Tim returned a few minutes later, I asked, “What happened? Did you receive prayer?”
He said, “No! The man told me I had to get right with God first before God would heal me.” Tim walked out of the auditorium, disheartened, shaking his head. As for me, I was frustrated; this was not the gospel of grace that I had learned.
Sometimes we slam doors in people’s faces by making the gospel message harder for others than it was for us. Whether that message is healing or salvation, our Lord surely wants His mercy available for all who are seeking it. (Note: He came for sinners.)
Heavenly Father, I don’t deserve Your mercy, but I surely need it. And so does the whole world. I am so thankful that, because of Your loving kindness, the doors to Heaven never close. I praise You in Jesus’ name. Amen.