Ungrateful to Grateful
He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked (Luke 6:35).
Scripture: Luke 6:27-36
Song: “Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart”
A man lost three of his children in a fire. And a few years after that he lost his last child in a drive by shooting. He became angry and directed it all at God. By focusing on all he had lost and not on what he still had he became ungrateful and turned away from God. But even from all this rejection God didn’t stop loving him and still loves this man.
God never fails to show His mercy and kindness to everyone— those who are ungrateful, just as He does for those who are grateful. It’s actually very simple because it’s not about who we are—whether we are grateful or ungrateful, angry or not. It is about who God is and what He does—loves us even when we do not love Him (1 John 4:9, 19). God takes the initiative. He is the one who does not change. He simply keeps on showing us His loving kindness.
But we must look for His kindness even though an ungrateful heart can obstruct our vision. But praise God that His kindness is big enough to always be seen. It comes to us each day in ways that might be new for that day and then also more common, such as another sunrise, breath, and daily provision. So be willing to receive God’s kindness. And as we do ungrateful hearts can become grateful.
Lord, thank You for Your mercy and kindness despite myself. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.