To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Download the “Outline Blocks” activity sheet here. Print the sheet and cut apart the boxes on the dotted lines.
Write this outline on the board, evenly spacing it so there are equal empty spaces between each main point:
I. Rebuild (Jeremiah 31:27, 28)
II. Repent (Jeremiah 31:29-32)
III. Renew (Jeremiah 31:33, 34)
Divide the class into six groups, giving each group an outline block. Give the groups 5–10 minutes to read the Scripture references on their blocks and to summarize them in a sentence or two.
Have groups use reusable adhesive to attach their blocks to the outline on the board to complete the outline of the lesson text.
Review their work together to explain the text.
To encourage personal application:
Close the session by leading a guided prayer in this way:
Say: “For the New Covenant to be written on our hearts, we must allow God access to our hearts, our personal thoughts and feelings. Invite Him to have that access now.”
Say: “Once inside your heart, God sees that some building and planting of His will needs to be done. What needs to be built or planted? Ask Him to do so.”
Say: “God sees that you have made excuses to resist His will in this way in the past. Repent of that resistance, being as specific as possible as you confess to Him.”
Say: “God wants you to have a more complete knowledge of Him. Tell Him a specific way you will seek to know Him better this week.”
(Pause and close)