To begin the session:
Post three large sheets of newsprint on the walls of the classroom. With washable markers place these headings on them: an event I wish I could get tickets to, a famous person I wish I could meet, a luxury item I wish I could afford.
As class members arrive, make washable markers available and invite them to write one or more wishes on one or more of the sheets of newsprint. After all class members have arrived and have had an opportunity to add to the sheets, read the lists together.
Discuss the by saying, “These seem like impossible dreams. But what if someone told you, ‘I know a guy.’ What would that mean? What would you call someone who could truly get you tickets to a sold-out event, who could introduce you to a celebrity, or who could make items out of your price range affordable?”
Welcome words such as arbiter, fixer, broker, go-between, intercessor, insider, etc. Lead into Bible study by saying, “We probably do not know someone on the inside who could make these wishes come true. But the Bible tells us that we do have someone who can get us into the presence of God. Let’s look at the role of Jesus as mediator of the New Covenant.”
To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Download the “Mediator Messiness” worksheet here. Make copies for everyone in the class.
Distribute the worksheet and allow class members to complete it in pairs or small groups. The Scripture references will help them unscramble the paraphrased main points. After group work is done, have class members reveal the answers to summarize the Bible text.
What Jesus our mediator does:
- purifies by sprinkling His blood (v. 24)
- welcomes us into the presence of God (vv. 22, 23)
- makes us a part of His church (vv. 22, 23)
- will bring about final judgment (vv. 26, 27)
How we respond to the work of our mediator:
- live in peace and holiness (v. 14)
- encourage others to keep the church undefiled (v. 15)
- listen to and obey Jesus (v. 25)
- be thankful and worship (v. 28)