Bless You
The little you had before I came has increased greatly, and the LORD has blessed you wherever I have been (Genesis 30:30).
Scripture: Genesis 30:22-32, 43
Song: “Make Me a Blessing”
For over 10 years my friend, Rena, has traveled to Mexico, leading teams of youth and adults on mission trips. Together they lay foundations, build frames, and finish walls for people who have no home. Rena shared pictures of their team working together and, in the evening, spending time with the locals. The caption reads: “Memories being made. Lives being changed. God being glorified.” Over the years, many people have been blessed—the mission teammates and the Mexican people—by Rena’s willingness to initiate, plan and implement the mission work.
Laban was reluctant to let Jacob leave because he knew Jacob’s presence had blessed him. Although Laban gave credit for his success to divination, Jacob knew the blessings and increase of wealth came from God. God used Jacob as a conduit of His goodness.
Everywhere we go, near and far, we carry with us the Christian witness—the Spirit of God who indwells us. He wants us to show the world His kindness and mercy, and bless them with good things. Whether at home or abroad, we can use our hands, feet, eyes, ears, and mouth to show the love of God and leave the people we meet better than they were before.
Lord Jesus, thank You for using us to make the world a better place and bring glory to Your name. Help us give freely of our time and our resources. In Your name, amen.