To begin the session:
If you wish to focus exclusively on social media, distribute copies of the “Connecting” activity from the activity page, which you can download here. (If you’re meeting completely or partially online, send the activity page exercise to remote class members via e-mail or text.)
Have learners work together in groups of three to complete as indicated. (If you’re meeting online, you might make use of Zoom breakout rooms to create study pairs or discussion groups. If you’re in a hybrid situation, you might group all the online people into one group and the in-person people in other groups.)
After the exercise, make a transition by saying, “Let’s see what today’s lesson tells us about the best way to connect with Jesus.”
To encourage personal application:
Distribute copies of the “Obeying” exercise from the activity page for learners to complete individually as indicated. When the time limit of one minute expires, ask for volunteers to share responses; don’t put anyone on the spot. Close with prayer for mentioned and unmentioned challenges.
Note: Whenever you distribute copies of anything, use hard-copy (paper) handouts for those physically present and e-copies for those joining online via Zoom, etc.
Tip: For a tutorial on how to use Zoom breakouts, go here. For many other Zoom tutorials, see here. A key to using Zoom effectively without fumbling is to practice ahead of time!