Positional Righteousness in Action
And Noah did all that the LORD commanded him (Genesis 7:5).
Scripture: Genesis 7:1-5
Song: “Trust and Obey”
If you told me that you were a teacher, I would know your job position. But it wouldn’t be until I watched you teach that I would see evidence of your position.
Noah was called “righteous.” Here we are shown the truth of Noah’s righteous position by his sacrificial worship and complete obedience.
God provided Noah with seven pairs of clean animals. Why did he need so many? At this point in time, the distinction between clean and unclean related to animal sacrifice in worship since the Lord did not give clean animals for food until after the flood. God provided for the lifestyle of sacrificial worship that Noah had already established.
Noah’s righteousness was also manifested by complete obedience. He did all that the Lord commanded.
If you are a Christian, your righteous status can be expressed in the same way that Noah’s was: through sacrificial worship and complete obedience. We are not sacrificing animals today. But there is still sacrifice in our worship through tithes and offerings and time set aside for worship on Sunday morning and throughout the week.
When God is convicting you of His commands, obey with your whole heart. Not just halfway by skipping the parts you don’t like, but obeying all that the Lord commands.
Heavenly Father, show me how I can worship you sacrificially. Show me where I need to obey completely. In Jesus’ name, amen.