Onward, Not Inward
But let it be the hidden man of the heart (1 Peter 3:4, KJV).
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1-9
Song: “I Want a Principle Within”
Although Isaac Watts became well-known for his good hymn writing, he was never known for his good looks. Watts, frail and thin, stood only five-feet tall and had an over-sized head. In fact, when Watts made his only proposal for marriage, the woman refused, stating, “Mr. Watts, I only wish I could admire the [jewelry box] as much as I admire the jewel.” Due to the woman’s fixation on appearance, Watts remained a life-long bachelor.
Peter wrote to believers with guidelines for Christian living. He reminded the believing wives not to place excess value on appearance—hairstyles, jewelry, or clothes—but to value what God values—a holy lifestyle, a right heart, and a meek and quiet spirit. Likewise, Peter urged husbands to honor their wives and to view them as co-laborers in God’s work. He pointed to the example of Abraham and Sarah, who served God together and were greatly used in His plan.
Today, the world wants us to believe that wealth, appearance, and influence are important. However, what the Lord values is far different. When we learn to value what He values and to follow His guidelines, we will find ourselves as prime candidates for His service.
Father, please help us remember that what is most important in life is a heart dedicated to You. In Christ’s name, amen.