Answered Prayer for a Spouse
And Isaac brought her into his mother’s Sarah’s tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death (Genesis 24:67, KJV).
Scripture: Genesis 24:12-21, 61-67
Song: “Trust and Obey”
Famed missionary Jim Elliot wrestled during his college years—but not only against competitors on a mat. Jim struggled to know if he should marry or remain single. Rather than follow his own reasoning, he committed the matter to God, writing, “The Lord knows how I surrendered this ‘love-life’ business to Him long ago.” Eventually, the Lord led him to marry Elisabeth, a woman so committed to Christ she continued Jim’s mission work to the Auca Indians of Ecuador even after Jim was killed by them. Because Jim left his marriage decision in God’s hands, many souls were eventually won for the Lord.
This story of Isaac and Rebekah has such a happy ending for one reason: everyone involved yielded to God’s will. Abraham’s servant prayed for God’s direction. Rebekah obeyed God’s calling to marry Isaac sight-unseen. Rebekah’s family submitted to God’s providence and let her go. And Isaac waited for God’s best. God’s will done. God’s way resulted in God’s blessing.
Our culture tells us to “follow our hearts” rather than the Lord’s leading regarding relationships. Rather than succumb to the culture, Christians are to be shining examples of God’s plan for relationships. As we follow His direction, we will both find personal contentment and also encourage others to follow His will.
Dear Father, help us to leave the decisions of our lives up to You. Help us to remember that Your plans are always best. In Christ’s name, amen.