Finding Our Place
Now the LORD has given us room (Genesis 26:22).
Scripture: Genesis 26:6-22
Song: “This World Is Not My Home”
When 9-year-old Jessee and his 12-year-old brother, Josh, stopped coming to a youth boxing gym, Detective Jack Mook grew concerned. What he found were two abused boys. What he did was take responsibility for them, give them a place to call “home,” and adopt them.
We all long for a place. It can be as major as a house and a family or as simple as a chair among friends. Many have neither. Homelessness is rampant, the number of at-risk children is growing. Even among people who seem to have their niche there is a gnawing sense of not belonging. Christians are not insulated from the crises, rejections, and abuses which create homelessness. When people feel adrift, desperation can lead to conflict.
Isaac, a man in a covenant relationship with God, was a pilgrim in a hostile culture and he understood the wisdom of becoming known as a man of peace in his quest for a place.
Faith in Christ makes us pilgrims in our world (1 Peter 2:11). Although we are a people of peace, God may or may not provide a place where we feel we belong or are wanted. For all of us it is essential that we trust Jesus’ promise that He is preparing a better and lasting place for us (John 14:1-3).
Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus, who has made room for me and who is preparing a place for me to be with Him. In Christ’s name, amen.
October 29–November 12. Harold Comings is a retired Senior Minister who lives with his wife, Judy, in Florida.