To begin the session:
Download the “Who? What? When?” activity here. Make copies for every three to five class members. Cut these apart on the dotted lines and place each set of pieces in separate envelopes. Make sure that you retain one copy as your answer key.
Divide the class into groups of three to five members each. Give them a few minutes to pair each “what” (a well-known corporation) with the “who, what, and where” of its founding. After groups are finished, reveal the answers.
Lead into Bible study by saying, “We are interested in learning how something began. Whether it be a business empire, a scientific breakthrough, or a fictional character, we like their origin stories. Let’s look at the greatest of all origin stories today.”
To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Say, “The first verses of Genesis 1 tell about the beginning of the universe. But these verses also reveal that this world was created with our needs in mind. Let’s explore this further.”
Divide the class into these three groups, giving each group pen and paper. Ask each group to list the importance of each item in its assigned created pair to human survival. Ask them to be prepared to explain how each item complements the other. Some suggested responses are found in italics. Use these to help participants get started as needed.
Day and Night Group (Read Genesis 1:1-5.)
Day provides light for the work day. Night provides darkness for rest. Working together they help measure time for us. Without light, work would be difficult. Without darkness, sleep would be difficult.
Land and Seas Group (Read Genesis 1:6-10.)
Land provides a firm foundation on which to build our homes and grow our food. Seas (and other bodies of water) provide storehouses of water necessary for life and dwelling for water dwellers. Waterways also provide efficient routes for transporting goods. Working together they provide boundaries between land masses and nations.
Fruit and Seed Group (Read Genesis 1:11-13.)
Fruit (and vegetables) provide food for people and animals. Seeds provide a way to grow more fruit. Working together they help provide a constant supply of food for people and animals.